Please take five minutes to read the article that just appeared in The Seattle Times. It confirms what I’ve been saying for the last several months, namely that the Seattle Housing market remains one of the hottest in the country.
If you are still considering purchasing a home, I urge you to be prepared to compete in earnest. I’ve written several offers in the last few weeks and I can tell you that your competition is writing to win – especially for homes priced for $750,000 or less.
I’ve also attached the flyer “Ten Tips for Buyers Competing In A Hot Market” which outlines things you can do in this environment to improve your offer. Please have a look at these points and let’s discuss them in advance. I want you to have a good understanding of them before we write your offer.10 Tips for Buyer’s coping in a Hot Market
Are you a first time home buyer or have not owned in 3-5 years? If so you are likely leaving thousands of dollars on the table in form of down payment assistance. Ask me how you can take advantage of this remarkable program!